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Professional Utility Management Solutions

About Us

Optech Family of Companies provides state government, industrial, and municipal clients with innovative and cost-effective solutions for utility system management and public works services. From our roots in the southeast, Optech has grown to establish clients all across the country, including public-private partnerships from one coast to another. Our services include operations, maintenance, and management of public works, and water & wastewater treatment facilities.

“The Optech Team includes engineers, certified water and wastewater treatment operators, electricians, equipment operators, mechanics, and public works personnel. We are ready to give you better quality services while also saving you money”
– Bob Monette, President

Our Management Team

The managing partners of Optech Monette, LLC (OMLLC) have collectively over 100 years of experience in managing complex water, wastewater and public works projects for municipal, state and Federal government clients. Because of the serious economic challenges facing many communities in recent years, our municipal services have gravitated toward a focus on Public Works asset management as a means to improve service and response time to the public, better maintain public infrastructure and yet reduce annual cost for the local governments.

Operations Technologies, Inc. (Optech) was originally founded in 1994 by three investors from Gulfport, (Mr. Carl Padget, Dr. Carl Pope and Robert W. Monette, P.E.).

In 2006, Mr. Padgett and Dr. Pope then decided to organize this company with a goal of rebuilding a strong and viable business based on the professional reputation of the firm principals earned since 1994. Mr. Monette bought an equity interest and became the President, working under the guidance of his close friends and partners, Dr. Carl Pope and Mr. Carl Padgett.

The Optech family of companies was created to allow the company diversification in different utility business segments, and in different areas of the country, a truly vertically integrated business structure. There are two companies, Optech Monette, LLC managing Federal government wastewater plants, Optech RWM, LLC, managing many different cities’ Public Works Departments in the Atlanta metropolitan area.

As a “family of companies” we operate many municipal and Federal government utility systems, provide public works staff services, operate water and wastewater treatment systems. Optech is now developing a “renewable energy” division to install and operate solar panel energy systems to allow our clients within the Optech family of companies to generate power for re-sale to energy companies back through the national power system grid. Our core business, however, remains the management of municipal water and wastewater utility systems and public works departments.

The principals of Optech have more than 150 years of experience in the operation, maintenance, and management of water and wastewater utility systems and public works departments throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico. The Optech family of companies is an entirely American-owned, privately held company with no pending litigation issues.

Successful Public Works Staff Transitions

Optech has been successful in the transition of public works departments from both the public sector and private contract operations firms.  In all cases, we understand the sensitive nature of a transition and focus on the positive impacts the transition will have on the staff and their families.  We have a lot of experience working with different cities and their large staff to implement a smooth transition, such as a 65-person staff for the City of Pascagoula and 125 employees in the City of Gulfport.  We were able to transition the entire project team in both cities in less than 30 days.

​Successful Experience = Competence with Effective Contracts

No other firm has the local experience, expertise, or depth of staff support available to benefit a town, city or county. Likewise, no other firm is as familiar with the local government, business, regulatory or operations environments in which we work. In addition, Optech operates and manages more municipal Public Works Departments than any other firm in the United States. We have existing contracts for management, operation, and maintenance of public works contracts that have been in effect for over five years. Numerous other public works management contracts under the care and guidance of the OPTECH family of companies date as far back as 1996.

Optech focuses on effectively managing the assets of our clients using solutions we have created for cities across the United States and Puerto Rico over the past four decades. That experience is significant to the almost any city in the United States because it has enabled the industry professionals in our company to test various operating methodologies, complex working environments, and create quality service solutions for municipalities.

Over 30 Years our clients have included:

A global perspective on renewable energy


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